A Saturday with Kennedy Musonda

We spent a Saturday with Mr. Kennedy Musonda, a Craftsman and Vendor of Souvenirs in Lusaka, Zambia.
In his shop at one of Lusaka’s many markets, he told us about his work and what it involves, his daily routine as well as his dreams and aspirations for the future.

Thanks to Kennedy for sharing his story with us.

Part of the „ZAMBIAN LIVES – Portrait Series“.

Welcome! Muli Bwanji?

Trailer: Liuwa Magic

This is the official trailer for „Liuwa Magic“

As a private project, „Liuwa Magic“ was filmed in the Liuwa Plains, which is part of the Upper Zambezi floodplain ecosystem in the Western Province of Zambia. The short film takes the viewer to one of the most pristine and isolated regions in sub-saharan Africa, where the second largest Wildebeest migration takes place: The Liuwa Plains in Western Zambia.

Liuwa certainly is one of the most prestine and isolated regions I have ever visited. It is a truly magical place with magnificent wildlife and the most scenic landscape. With this film, we would like to share a small glimpse into this special and remote part of the world.

This film is designated a wildlife2.0 film, because it lets viewers see this special and remote part of the world as if being there first hand. No artificial voiceover or filmic dramatization distracts from the beautiful, poetic images and the spectacular wildlife that was filmed with four cameras including a special slow-motion and two time-lapse cameras. The original ambience sound is enhanced by an originally composed musical score that accentuates the varying atmosphere of the scenes and lets the viewer dive right into the scenes and forget everything else.

The Original Music was composed for this film by Fabian Schiller on behalf of Christoph Nick and Guido Möller.


Video Kit:
– Sony NEX-FS700
– Panasonic HPX250
– GoPro HD Hero2
– Canon EOS 60D


– At the Lusaka International Film and Music Festival:
Friday, 3rd of October at 18.00 hours, at Fresh View Cinemas, Levy Junction Shopping Mall, Lusaka, Zambia

Trailer: Reise zu OMA SIKOTA – Der Weg zum Ort der Hoffnung

Film Website: www.oma-sikota.de
English trailer: vimeo.com/155830386

Ein Dokumentarfilm von Christoph Ph. Nick

Joyce Sikota aus Sambia hat bis auf Tochter Annie ihre Kinder an Aids verloren. Traumatisiert zurückgelassen sorgt sie für die sieben verwaisten Enkelkinder.
Dank Annie und dem deutschen Schwiegersohn Michael findet sie Trost und Zuversicht in einem visionären Projekt: Gemeinsam verwandeln sie Oma Sikotas Grundstück in ein Zuhause für Waisenmädchen und Seniorinnen. Sie nennen es Liyoyelo – Ort der Hoffnung.
Hier begegnen sich nun zwei Welten: Mit einer Hamburger Schule entsteht ein Austauschprogramm.

REGIE: Christoph Ph. Nick
PRODUKTION: c-studios – medienkreation.
LAND: Sambia & Deutschland
JAHR: 2016
DAUER: 71 Min. | 52 Min. TV Fassung & 26 Min. Bildungsversion in Planung
SPRACHEN: Deutsch, Englisch, Lozi mit Untertiteln
VERSIONEN: Deutsch (OmdU) & Englisch (OmeU)
FORMAT: 2K DCP | Full-HD (ProRes, 10-bit, 4:2:2) | Farbe, Stereo
