Join-In Circuit

The Join-In Circuit on AIDS, Love and Sexuality in Zambia

© 2013, GIZ – All rights reserved.

The Join-In Circuit on AIDS, Love, and Sexuality (J-IC) is a behaviour change communication tool, developed to raise awareness of and provide information about HIV, AIDS and reproductive health. The J-IC was developed in 1994 by the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) as part of the national HIV prevention campaign. Since 2002 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has adapted the tool to different cultural contexts and introduced it in more than 20 countries worldwide, where it has become part of existing national AIDS prevention programmes.

The J-IC was introduced in Zambia by German Development Cooperation in 2005. In 2011 the tool was handed over to Afya Mzuri, a local Zambian NGO. With a team of 76 facilitators, supported by a network of NGOs, the J-IC has reached almost 20,000 participants nationwide.
